NRA-ILA | Alert! Florida REPUBLICAN Senators Vote for Massive Gun Control Bill



DATE:    January 15, 2020
TO:         USF & NRA Members and Friends
FROM:    Marion P. Hammer
  USF Executive Director
  NRA Past President


On Monday, 1/13/20, it happened again.  Senate President Bill Galvano picked a fight with Floridians who believe in the constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  It is well known -- even by the media -- that in 2018 Bill Galvano orchestrated the creation and passage of the "Parkland Gun Control Bill."  And, of course, it didn't stop gun crime or criminals.  It only took away rights of law-abiding people. 

So now, he's back for more gun control and it appears likely that Bloomberg's $500,000.00 "donation" to Senate President Bill Galvano is behind yet another Galvano gun control bill. -- SB-7028 – an admitted priority of Galvano. 

All but one of the Republican Senators on the Senate Infrastructure and Security Committee put Galvano's wishes ahead of principle, the Constitution, their Oath of Office and YOU, their constituents, and voted for a gun control bill.  

FORGET that some of them were not truthful with NRA and Unified Sportsmen of Florida about supporting the Second Amendment.  REMEMBER, they KNOW gun control doesn't work.  They know that only law-abiding people obey the law and criminals don't care what the law says. 

When RINOs (Republican In Name Only) vote like Anti-gun Democrats, one has to wonder how many real Republicans are left in the Florida Senate. 

If Senate Republicans, who vote for gun control, don't care about compromising their own integrity, you have to wonder if they care about what they are doing to the character the Republican Party? 

Michael Bloomberg is no friend to Republicans!  He's running in the Democratic Primary for President of the US on an anti-gun platform. Why are Senate Republicans doing his bidding?  

You can ask them:  

Tom Lee            850-487-5020

Keith Perry        850-487-5008

Ed Hooper         850-487-5016

Travis Hutson    850-487-5007



The media is now reporting that House Speaker Jose Oliva and Governor Ron DeSantis are pushing back against this massive gun control bill.   Speaker Oliva and Governor DeSantis are to be commended for working to protect Second Amendment rights.  They KNOW gun control doesn't stop crime or criminals. 



SB-7028 by the Committee on Infrastructure & Security is a gun control bill. Among other things, it contains a massive two-pronged “Universal” Background Check system that is the worst I have ever seen.

It is clearly meant to simply ban all private sales of firearms through red tape and fear.
This bill contains so much red tape and nonsense that there is almost no way a law-abiding person could comply.

The only thing we know for sure is that this bill will only stop law-abiding people from exercising a constitutional right and it will be completely ignored by criminals.

Voting in favor of this bill is like a doctor giving a patient an antibiotic for a virus. The doctor knows an antibiotic won’t cure the illness but at least he can make people think he’s “doing something.” 

Supporting a bill so you can say you’re doing something is “political eyewash.”

This bill is nothing less than GUN CONTROL ON STEROIDS.

Any person of SOUND MIND knows that only law-abiding people obey the law and that criminals don’t care what the law says. 

Make no mistake, 4 Senators who claim to be Republicans voted for massive gun control:  Not to uphold their oath of office; not to protect and defend the Constitution; not to represent the rights of law-abiding gun owners in their districts. 



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