Reference To Omar And "Some People Did Something"

James Howard
September 23, 2019 at 8:45 pm
Biblical 2nd Ammendment, If you don’t own a sword, sell your cloak & buy one. Luke22;38.

Ecclesiastes10:1-3, “As dead flies give perfume a bad smell, so a little folly outweighs wisdom & honor. The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. Even as he walks along the road, the fool lacks sense & shows everyone how stupid he is.”

Leftists are traitors & losers from start to finish even when they act nice or appear to win, they lose.

... AND Frank Zappa for President 2024: “Socialism produces bad art, bad music, social stagnation & really unhappy people.”

... and satanists. Leftists seem to have full spectrum narcissistic psychosis & inflict PTSD on opponents by using verbal abuse & lies of every kind as well as other terroristic underhanded tactics of the dedicated psychotic-natcissist.

See for yourself on YouTube: NarcAWAY. Narc ology unscripted. Surviving Narcissism. Michele Lee Nieves. For real news go to OANN (One America News Network).

Also: THE EPOCH TIMES, Truth & Tradition. Dedicated legitimate legal Xtian immigrant patriots who escaped commie China & know they are finished unless they continue to fight the commie HORROR regardless of consequences. To remove the blinders & psycho propaganda MASK Read: TIPING POINTS: How to Topple the Left’s House of Cards.

LIZ WHEELER (OAN Commentator). MAKING LOVE GREAT AGAIN: The New Road to Reviving Romance & Winning at Relationships.
DEANNA LORRAINE. TAKE NO PRISONERS: Battle Plan for Defeating the Left,
DAVID HOROWITZ. BIG AGENDA, President Trump’s Plan to Save America.
DAVID HOROWITZ. JIHADIST PSYCHOPATH: How Hw Is Charming, Seducing & Devouring Us.
ROBERT SPENCER. Web sites & channels for truth: Stefan Molyneux,

YouTube: Bill Whittle. Acts17 apologetics. Apostate Prophet. Julie Mora. American Intelligence Media.
Finally, “There will never be peace on earth until the Koran is eliminated from the earth.” Winston Churchill.”


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