The 2nd Amendment
If a man owns a hunting knife to cut up his game and ends up killing someone with it, are the manufacturers somehow responsible for the crime committed? Are they to be held liable? Absolutely not! No more then should gun manufacturers be held responsible for the crimes of them that choose to pull the trigger. This is what the arbitrary courts want you to believe to be the case. Websters 1828 Dictionary defines "arbitrary":adjective [Latin arbitrarious.] 1. Depending on will or discretion; not governed by any fixed rules; as, an arbitrary decision; an arbitrary punishment. ARBITRARY power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness. Friends, this is like blaming the manufacturers of forks and spoons for people being obese. How ridiculous. Furthermore, how can the act be apart from the actor? It cannot! Let me ask you a common sense and sincere question: Did the Lord blame the weapon when Cain killed Abel? No, He did not, He blamed Cain for killing Abel and the curse was the consequence, and rightly so (Genesis 4:1-16). Arbitrary government is NOT American government! We are ruled by law, not the opinion of some un-elected activist that sits on the bench acting on the behalf of the highest bidder.
Oh, how what the courts are attempting to do in this country contradicts what our forefathers have established concerning the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights! I want you to think of this for a moment with me, please.
Yet, we allow these that have been given delegated authority from "We the People," that derive their just powers from the consent of the people that they are to serve to defend America's children with a sign that reads: "THIS IS A GUN FREE ZONE." The irony is that the victims are to then call someone with a gun if there's an emergency. These in government that work for "We the People" would have you believe that, somehow or another, they have delegated authority to strip their employers from there God-given right to keep and bear arms. Think Americans, think! Well, the good news is that someone is thinking, according to
Victor Hugo said, "Where there is darkness crimes will be committed. The guilty one is not merely he who commits the crime but he who caused the darkness." When you look at the darkness that has been advocated and implemented upon Americans by corruption in our government, there is no question who the responsible party is and why they must be held responsible for their crimes against "We the People!" (Article 2, Section 4, U. S. Constitution)