Learning from Obituaries ...
Let’s get the players straight before we go on with this ... LARMONDO "FLAIR" ALLEN His Companion: Kawanner Armstrong His Sons:
AT AGE 25 - He had 9 Children. Got the above all straight? ============================ He was 25 and had 3 sons and 6 daughters. NINE welfare recipients collecting $950 each ... That equals $8,550 a month! Now add Food Stamps, Free medical, Free school lunches, and on and on. Do the math ... $102,000+ /year. Anyone out there, sittin' on their butt while reading this e-mail, making A HUNDRED GRAND doing nothing? Now that, to me, is a real Entrepreneur (Also, because of their fathers death, all of the kids will collect social security until they are 18). Even better ... if "flair's" thirteen brothers & sisters followed his entrepreneurial strategy -- that's an additional $1.3 million per year. But wait... THERE'S MORE! If all thirteen brothers and sisters can duplicate his feat of 9 welfare strategists that breeds 117 new recipients collecting $100,000/yr! ... or an additional $11,700,000 per year ... and, that's one damn family! (and demands 100% the taxes paid by 1,000 avg. taxpayers) And THAT is why this once great country is BANKRUPT! ANY QUESTIONS?