Enjoy The Ride
Most people like roller coasters. They relish the click, click, click up the track and then the moment of anxious silence before they rush headlong toward the ground screaming with excited glee. Up, down, and around they go at times lifted out of their seats and at others forced by gravity deep within them. If the coaster train were on level ground lolling along at a steady 20 MPH, it would not be thrilling. In fact, in time it would become boring. Such is life. You think you want a slow, smooth and level ride but in reality you would not enjoy the respites if you did not experience the jarring and tumbling. You crave stimulation and life's events bring you that which you crave. You wouldn't get on a roller coaster if you did not believe you would ultimately get off safely. Your soul knows the same to be true for your life. Relax.