Free Healthcare

The gist of the media comments seem to be that Health Care is a Basic Need, and that Basic Needs are a "Right" to be provided to all on a "Free" basis.
Following this line of thinking, there are a few other basic needs and "Rights" we should be "Entitled" to "Free" of charge.

First off, in order of importance, our basic "Needs" include Food & Water. Without Food & Water, we die. I hereby call for "Free" Food & Water. The City should not be able to charge anyone for such a basic need as water, and thereby the sewer to carry it away and treat it after we're done with it.

Food should also be provided free of charge. Without Food, we die. We already have Food Stamps, Commodities, Free Breakfast and Lunch at School for Children the year round as well as backpacks of food on weekends for those kids whose parents won't feed them. This of course means that producers, distributors, transporters and servers of food, will not be paid for their efforts since all are entitled to Food free of charge.

The next basic need is shelter. Housing should therefore be free of charge. No rents should be charged and this provides an easy answer to the "Mortgage Crisis". "Free" Housing means no mortgages. It also means that all those in the building and home maintenance trades will no longer be paid for their skills and services when they provide them.

The third basic need before "Free HealthCare" is Clothing. All clothing should therefore be "Free". All producers, distributors and retailers of clothing will no longer be paid for their skills or services.

HealthCare now comes in as a "Basic Need" as Number 4. Since Healthcare will be "Free", Practicioners of HealthCare, Doctors, Nurses, CNA's, Lab Techs, X-Ray Techs and even the Kitchen and Housekeeping Staff of all of our Medical Facilities will no longer be paid for their skills. The finest possible Hospitals and Clinics will magically appear and be stocked with all of the latest and greatest medical inventions to ensure our good health, all "Free" of Charge.

The next basic need is transportation. Here again, since Transportation is a Basic Need, and we have a "Right" to "Basic Needs" on a "Free" basis, we will no longer have an Automaker Crisis, as their services, as well as those of mechanics, tiremakers, and car maintenance workers will no longer be paid for their skills. Transportation to Health Care of course would also be "Free".

The last basic need is a Job. Since I will now have "Free" Food, Water, Housing, Clothing, HealthCare, and Transportation, I will no longer need a job. I will no longer need to work 12-16 hour days creating my own job in trying to make my business a success and keep my employee's employed.

Everything would be "Free".

This scenario of course has never worked in the history of the world. It didn't work in the last century in the 20's, 30's and 40's in Austria, Germany and Europe. It didn't work in what is now the "Former" USSR. It hasn't worked in Cuba nor in North Korea and it hasn't worked in China, Somalia or Haiti.

What in the world makes any thinking person think that this will work here and now?



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